Scientific and public talks
- D. Konar, Hybrid Classical-Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms for Large Scale Applications, 11th IEEE International Conference on CSNT, 23-24.04.2022
- K. Ramakrishna, J. Vorberger, A. D. Baczewski, M. Lokamani, A. Cangi, Electrical Conductivity of Iron under Earth-Core Conditions from Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory, APS March Meeting 2022, 14.03.2022
- S. Nikolov, J. Tranchida, A. Cangi, K. Ramakrishna, M. A. Wood, Probing Structural and Magnetic Phase Changes in the Shock Response of Iron with Molecular Dynamics, APS March Meeting 2022, 15.03.2022
- T. J. Callow, N. E. Rahat, E. Kraisler, A. Cangi, Comparisons of density-functional average-atom models and measures of the mean ionization state, APS March Meeting 2022, 15.03.2022
- L. Fiedler, G. A. Popoola, N. A. Modine, A. P. Thompson, A. Cangi, Size transferability of machine-learning based density functional theory surrogates, APS March Meeting 2022, 15.03.2022
- K. Shah, A. Cangi, Accelerating Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory with Physics-Informed Neural Networks, APS March Meeting 2022, 16.03.2022
- T. Hentschel, A. Kononov, A. D. Baczewski, A. Cangi, S. B. Hansen, Effects of electron-ion collisions on stopping powers in warm dense matter, APS March Meeting 2022, 16.03.2022
- A. Cangi, Data-driven and physics-informed modeling of matter under extreme conditions, CFEL-DESY, 15.12.2021
- A. Mertel, J. Calabrese, Modeling the effect of the national borders in the spread of COVID-19: A case study of the Saxony-Czechia border region, International Symposium on Geospatial Approaches to Combating Covid-19, 13.12.2021
- A. Mertel, Geographical data analysis in the historical research, LINDAT CLARIAH-CZ Talk, 12.11.2021
- F. Poeschel, A. Huebl, Towards loosely-coupled scientific I/O pipelines with openPMD-api and ADIOS2, SMC2021, 22.07.2021
- T. Callow, Density-functional average-atom model for first-principles simulations of warm dense matter, AMCP-Seminar, Universität Rostock, 01.06.2021
- D. Zbíral, A. Mertel, R. Shaw, T. Hampejs, An ontology for modelling the social, spatial, and semantic relations in pre-modern written sources: Takeaways from data model development in the Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET), Data for History. Modelling Time, Places, Agents, 19.05.-30.06.2021
- K. Ramakrishna, J. Vorberger, A. Cangi, Electrical conductivity of materials under extreme conditions using TDDFT, APS March Meeting 2021, 19.03.2021
- T. J. Callow, E. Kraisler, S. B. Hansen, E. K. Gross, A. Cangi, First-principles derivation of an average-atom model from the many-body Hamiltonian of coupled electrons and ions, APS March Meeting 2021, 19.03.2021
- T. Dornheim, A. Cangi, K. Ramakrishna, M. Boehme, J. Vorberger, Effective Static Approximation: A fast and reliable tool for Warm Dense Matter Theory, APS March Meeting 2021, 19.03.2021
- A. Kononov, T. Hentschel, A. Cangi, A. D. Baczewski, S. B. Hansen, Comparison of DFT-based methods for electronic stopping in warm dense aluminum, APS March Meeting 2021, 17.03.2021
- A. Cangi, J. A. Ellis, N. A. Modine, J. Adam Stephens, A. P. Thompson, S. Rajamanickam, Accelerating Finite-Temperature Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory with Deep Neural Networks, APS March Meeting 2021, 15.03.2021
- M. Bussmann, From Data to Understanding – The Center for Advanced Systems Understanding, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wrocław, 13.11.2020
- M. Bussmann, Streaming Data – The Transformation of HPC Systems into Discovery Machines, DRBSD Workshop at Supercomputing Conference 2020, 12.11.2020
- A. Gupta, P. Incardona, A. Aydin, S. Gumhold, U. Günther, I. Sbalzarini, An Architecture for Interactive In Situ Visualization and Its Transparent Implementation in OpenFPM, ISAV workshop at Supercomputing Conference 2020, 12.11.2020
- M. Bussmann, Casus: Stand und Ausblick, IT Meeting, Görlitz, 12.10.2020
- J. Calabrese & K. Frank, Network effects on communities and functions. iDiv Annual Conference 2020, 08.10.2020
- J. Calabrese, Efficient coronavirus testing using statistical methods and AI, Artificial Intelligence for a better living: medicine, science, business, 30.09.2020
- M. Bussmann, Welcome to the Exascale Jungle: Performance Portable Manycore Programming for next generation HPC, Meeting of the NUG Society at ICM University of Warsaw, 25.09.2020
- M. Bussmann, Introduction to CASUS, Jahrestreffen der CMS Deutschland, 23.09.2020
- J. Stephan, Lessons Learned Developing Frameworks with SYCL, SYCL Summer Sessions, 03.09.2020
- M. Bussmann, Supercomputers as Discovery Machines – Why HPC Must Rethink its Toolbox, 24th HPC Connection Workshop Digital on AI & Exascale Ready Technologies and Applications, 22.06.2020
- M. Bussmann, Big Lasers for Small Accelerators: Exascale Simulations for Better Cancer Therapy, GPU Technology Conference 2020
- M. Bussmann, Plasma Physics with PIConGPU – Lessons learned from 10 years of living with the HPC hardware zoo, Modular Supercomputing Architectures Online Seminar, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, 19.05.2020
- M. Bussmann, The discovery machines – how supercomputers will shape the future of data-driven science, Virtual ICM Seminar in Computer and Computational Science, ICM University of Warsaw, April 2020
- M. Bussmann et al., Taming the Complexity of Laser-Plasma Accelerators, Invited Talk PHEDM – Hirschegg Workshop 2020
- M. Bussmann, Invited Talk Semestereröffnung IHI Zittau 2019
- U. Günther et al., Das beste aus beiden Welten, bei: CAPTCHA! Maschinen lernen Handeln von Menschen, die nicht verstehen, was sie wissen, Schwarzmarkt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen Nr. 23, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, 06.12.2019
- T. Dornheim et al., Seminar Talk National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
- T. Dornheim et al., Invited Talk Division of Plasma Physics meeting of the AAPPS, Hefei, China, November 2019
- M. Bussmann et al., Warum kompliziert wenn es auch komplex geht? Wie digitale Systemforschung aus Daten Wissen macht, Invited Talk Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, 19.11.2019
- S. Chandrasekaran et al., Running PIConGPU on Summit, CAAR: Preparing PIConGPU for Frontier @ ORNL, Supercomputing 19, Denver, Colorado
- M. Bussmann et al., Data Management & Analysis: The challenge of complexity and how to attack it, Invited Talk 1st Annual Meeting of the Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud, Trieste, 05.11.2019
- U. Günther et al., Virtual Reality for Bioimage Informatics, Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub, San Francisco, 01.11.2019
- U. Günther et al., Scenery: Flexible Virtual Reality Visualisation on the Java VM, IEEE VIS 2019, Vancouver, 24.10.2019
- T. Dornheim et al., Vortrag 9th Joint Workshop on High Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics (HP4), Dresden, Germany, Oktober 2019
- M. Bussmann et al., Data-intensive methods for complex systems analysis, Invited Talk S3 Seminar, WUST, Wroclaw, 17.10.2019
- M. Bussmann et al., Data intensive Systems Science, Invited Talk Hugo Steinhaus Seminar, WUST, Wroclaw, 16.10.2019
- M. Bussmann et al., Write once, run everywhere: ALPAKA for single-source many-core programming in C++, Invited Talk CMS week, CERN, 25.09.2019
- M. Bussmann et al., Interactive, data-intensive HPC, Eingeladener Vortrag CERN EP-IT Data Science Seminar, 25.09.2019
- U. Günther et al., Fortbildung Virtual & Augmented Reality für Gymnasiallehrer, CSBD Dresden, 30.08.2019
- M. Bussmann, Öffentlicher Abendvortrag Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, 27.08.2019
- T. Dornheim et al., Vortrag 10th International Workshop on Warm-Dense-Matter 2019, Travemünde, Germany, Mai 2019
- T. Dornheim et al., Vortrag International Conference on High Energy Density (ICHED), Oxford, United Kingdom, April 2019