Frontiers of Computational Quantum Many-Body Theory
Our group develops novel methods and concepts to tackle problems from quantum many-body theory. The focus of our research is given by the simulation and diagnostics of warm dense matter, which requires a rigorous treatment of the complex interplay of effects like Coulomb coupling, quantum degeneracy, and strong thermal excitations. In addition, we apply our methodologies to other many-body systems such as ultracold atoms and electrons in quantum dots.
- Dr. Tobias Dornheim
- Hannah Bellenbaum
- Dr. Thomas Gawne
- Dr. Zhandos Moldabekov
- Dr. Sebastian Schwalbe
Research Topics
- Path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations
We have demonstrated the capability to carry out highly accurate PIMC simulations of warm dense matter without the exponential bottleneck with respect to the number of simulated electrons. This has been achieved using the controlled xi-extrapolation method that has been suggested by Xiong and Xiong [JCP 2022].
- Density functional theory (DFT) simulation of warm dense matter
Linear-response time-dependent density functional theory constitutes a potentially powerful tool for the prediction of XRTS measurements. In addition to the usual XC-functional that is required for any type of DFT application, the computation of such dynamic properties needs the so-called XC-kernel as an additional input. In practice, computing an XC-kernel consistently was limited to relatively simple XC-functionals.
- X-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) diagnostics
While XRTS has emerged as a standard method of diagnostics for experiments with warm dense matter, the accuracy of the extracted system parameters such as the temperature has remained unclear.
- Linear and nonlinear density response theory
The estimation of nonlinear response properties of interacting quantum many-body systems has remained limited to a few model cases due to the required very high computational effort.
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