Open for Talents

The CASUS Open for Talents program tenders international junior groups (CASUS Young Investigator Groups) for excellent young researchers. Junior groups are independent scientific groups. They are associated with at least one and a maximum of two CASUS Research Teams and work together with the selected teams.


These are limited to five years. An interim evaluation takes place after three years. In addition to the position for the Group Leader, funding will prospectively be provided for up to four additional scientific staff (1 postdoctoral and up to 3 doctoral students). In a competitive process, young scientists (at least 2 years, max. 5 years after obtaining their doctorate) will therefore have the ability to set up their own research group. For this purpose, the necessary personnel, material and travel expenses as well as the necessary infrastructure will be made available.


Excellent postdoctoral researchers from all over the world can apply as CASUS Postdoctoral Fellows in a competitive process. If successful, they will receive full funding for up to three years, including own funds for travel and invitations of guests as well as financing of an international workshop within the three years. Postdoctoral Fellows should work with at least one CASUS Research Team. Doctoral students at CASUS have the opportunity to use lecture programs offered by the German and Polish partner universities and are granted stays of up to 3 months at an external working group in consultation with their CASUS Research Team.

Current CASUS Postdoctoral Fellows

  • Dr. Attila Cangi, Multiscale-modeling of matter under extreme conditions combining machine learning and ab-initio simulations