Annual Workshop Speaker: Veit Hagenmeyer

Digital twins of large scale energy grids

Veit Hagenmeyer is Director at the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.


For the energy transition, the necessity of digital twins for large-scale energy grids is exemplarily motivated by the respective modeling tasks within the Energy Lab 2.0 @ KIT. Thereby, the various types of large-scale grid models are discussed from local campus models over regional models to national and even continental models. For this, a typical model-data workflow for electricity grid simulation is shown and the various types of (also commercial) software tools is presented. Different timescales of interest for the grids are presented and the different modeling of the respective digital twins is addressed. Exemplarily, two different grid models under investigations are shown from North and South Germany. Distributed real-time simulation of respective digital twins is discussed in detail. As a highlight, a live demonstration of digital twins of large-scale energy grids by the expert Dr. Uwe Kühnapfel concludes the presentation.


Veit Hagenmeyer received the Ph.D. degree from Université Paris XI, Paris, France, in 2002. Thereafter, he was a postdoc at the same university and at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Then, he went into industry to BASF SE, Germany, where he held several positions in automation and finally one as the Director of Power Plants and energy grids of the Ludwigshafen site. He is currently the Professor of Energy Informatics with the Faculty of Informatics, and the Director of the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany. His research interests include modeling, optimization and control of sector-integrated energy systems, machine-learning based forecasting of uncertain demand and production in energy systems mainly driven by renewables, and integrated cyber-security of such systems.

Veit Hagenmeyer at the KIT

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