Annual Workshop Speaker: Thomas Neumuth
Digital patient twins and model-based medicine
Thomas Neumuth, Technical Director of the Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS), University of Leipzig
Modern medicine is no longer conceivable without the use of technology. Medicine, information management, and biomedical technology are converging at an increasing rate. This development requires integrating medical device functions with advanced medical information systems to increase personalized therapeutic efficacy, treatment precision, and treatment speed. The approach of model-based diagnostics and therapy is based on digital patient twins and enables patient-specific personalized treatment and the development of smart and situation-adaptive medical technology. The talk introduces the topic of model-based therapy and presents current smart and situation-adaptive medical technologies.
Prof. Thomas Neumuth is engineer and computer scientist. His research interests focus on model-based medicine, smart biomedical technology, and situation-aware medical information systems.
He is Technical Director of the Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS) at the Medical Faculty of the Universität Leipzig. He is heading the research division Model-based medicine of ICCAS with currently five research groups.
He is active in several professional organizations such as the Expert Panel for Medical Devices and InVitro-Diagnostics der Europäischen Kommission, the ORNET eV medical device industry association, or the expert committee “Model-based personalized medical technology” of the DGBMT.