The workshop aims at establishing a cooperation between groups in Poland and Germany working in the field of many-particles systems under extreme conditions, based on the complementarity of their methodical expertise and fields of application.

At the core of the workshop are three teams with their topics:

1) The University of Wrocław team is specialized on quantum field theory based methods of deriving the equation of state of strongly interacting matter, with the quark-hadron phase transition and the phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics as main objectives. Their applications concern the description of particle production in heavy-ion collisions, the simulation of core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers as well as constraining the nuclear equation of state from observations of static properties of neutron stars. The goal is to pin down the line of (pseudo-) critical temperatures in the quantum chromodynamics phase diagram and to locate the possible critical endpoint of first-order phase transitions and color superconducting quark matter phases.

2) The CASUS team develops powerful modern simulation techniques and density functional theory for many-particle systems to study correlations in warm, dense plasmas which are benchmarked by Path-Integral Monte-carlo (PIMC) simulations. Applications concern inertial fusion plasmas and interiors of giant (exo-) planets. Machine learning tools like the MALA framework have been developed that are provided for interdisciplinary use.

3) The team of the Institute of Theoretical Physics of Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR) studies with mainly analytic methods fundamental non-equilibrium phenomena such as the instability of the vacuum against pair creation and birefringence in strong (laser) fields. Astonishing similarities are found with phenomena in quite different disciplines like ultra-cold atomic gases, ions in traps and electrons and phonons in solids.

Other teams from Poland and Germany working in or close to the fields mentioned above are invited to participate and to share their expertise in oral or poster presentations.

The event is both a Polish-German WE-Heraeus Seminar and a Max Born Symposium.

Organizing WE-Heraeus Seminars is the most important and oldest funding activity of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. The topics cover cutting-edge research in both physics and neighboring fields. Trademark of these meetings is an informal atmosphere with plenty of opportunity for personal contacts.

Since 1979, the Institutes of Theoretical Physics at the Universities in Wrocław and in Leipzig organized jointly two seminars per year, alternating between Leipzig and Wrocław, as part of a collaboration program. Max Born’s name was chosen, as this Nobel Prize winner was born and educated in Wrocław. After the changes in Eastern Europe, 1991-2019, the Max Born Symposia were continued as 3-day International Mini Conferences. In 2020, during the first institutional contacts between the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), its CASUS institute in Görlitz and the University of Wrocław, it was decided that the format of Max Born Symposia shall be used to organize annual 3-day meetings to be hosted either in Wrocław, Görlitz or Dresden. This is the second installment of the renewed format, with the first one having taken place in Wrocław in July 2022.

Abstract submission and registration can be done on the event website.

Event organizers

Scientific Organizing Committee

Prof. David Blaschke (University of Wrocław & CASUS at HZDR) – Chair
Prof. Thomas D. Kühne (CASUS at HZDR)
Prof. Ralf Schützhold (HZDR)

Local Organizing Committee

Michal Bajda, Event Manager (CASUS)
Franziska Buder, Student Assistant (CASUS)
Rafael Koprowski, Online Content Developer (CASUS)