CASUS Institute Seminar, Prof. Raimund Dachselt, Chair of Multimedia Technology, Interactive Media Lab Dresden at the Faculty of Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Raimund is a full professor of Computer Science and head of the Interactive Media Lab at Technische Universität Dresden. He received his PhD in 2004 from TU Dresden and was professor for User Interface & Software Engineering at University of Magdeburg from 2007 to 2012. At the Faculty of Computer Science at TU Dresden he has been elected director of the Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology, and serves as vice-dean from 2021 on. He has published more than 250 peer-reviewed publications and co-authored two major German textbooks on natural human computer interaction (HCI). Since 2019 Raimund is the Dresden spokesperson of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center (SFB/TR 248) Center for Perspicuous Computing (CPEC).

His research interests encompass HCI, interactive information visualization, and Mixed Reality interaction. He worked extensively in the area of interactive surfaces from smartwatches over tablets and tabletops to wall-sized displays (also combined in multi-display environments) and combined interaction modalities (e.g., multi-touch and pen, tangible displays, gaze-supported interaction, body gestures). He and his team made pioneering contributions to the field of interactive data visualization beyond the desktop including solutions for mobile devices, ultra-large displays, multi-device environments, Augmented Reality and other Immersive Analytics approaches.

Novel visualization environments

Increasingly, interactive data visualization plays a crucial role in empowering human beings to access, explore, analyze, and make sense of data. The variety of applications stretches from advanced scientific data visualization in life sciences to personal data visualization on mobile devices. Thereby, the past decade has seen a growing research interest and demonstrated benefits in visualization environments beyond traditional desktop computers, often involving multimodal human-computer interaction. Immersive Analytics, an approach for spatial data analysis with (mostly) mixed reality technologies, is a particularly interesting research direction receiving a lot of attention and allowing unprecedented ways of diving into the data.

In this talk, Raimund will discuss such novel visualization environments, among them multi-device ensembles involving large visualization walls, (multiple) mobile devices, as well as immersive environments utilizing mixed reality technologies. Based on a discussion of several own research examples, he will introduce natural and appropriate ways of interacting with data in such future environments. The talk will also outline important challenges associated with these research directions.

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