Name |
E-mail |
Description |
Scope of support |
Links |
Daniel Kotik
| |
Computational Physicist and Software Developer with a background in quantum physics |
- Python, C++, Cython, Julia
- Git, CI/CD
- JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebooks
- PyTorch/Tensorflow
- PostgreSQL, a bit of R
- OpenMP/MPI
- Docker, Kubernetes
Gitlab |
Giuseppe Barbieri
| |
Software Developer |
- Jvm (kotlin, java)
- basic of C, C++ and Git
- graphics APIs: OpenGL, Vulkan
- gpgpu APIs: OpenCL, Cuda
- Gradle, including advanced CI/CD
- Intellij Idea
- libraries such as imgui, glm, gli, assimp, jni
- porting code from native to jvm
Github |
Franz Pöschel
| |
Computer Scientist and Software Developer |
- large-scale scientific I/O, file-based and streaming IO methods
- usage and development support: openPMD, PIConGPU
- usage support: ADIOS1 and ADIOS2, HDF5, pybind11, MPI
- high-performance computing (Hemera, Taurus, Summit)
- library design and development
- programming languages: C, C++, Python
- programming tooling: Git, Bash, CMake
Gitlab |
Jiri Vyskocil
| |
Software Development and Computational Plasma Physics |
- C++, CUDA, Python
- High Performance Computing, OpenMP, MPI
- Parallel Algorithms, Numerics, Differential Equations
- Virtual Reality, Unity
- Scientific Visualization, Paraview
- Git, CI/CD
- Linux administration
- Web development, Systems integration
Gitlab |