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Family friendly

Child benefits

Germany supports families in many ways, for instance by providing a monthly allowance for every child (Kindergeld). This is provided until children turn 18, though it can continue until they are 25 if they are in higher education. You are eligible for a monthly allowance of 204 EUR for the first two children, 210 EUR for the third and 235 EUR for each additional child.

Please note that this does not apply to Ph.D. students holding a student’s residence permit. In this case, you are unfortunately not eligible for children benefits according to German residence law (§16 AufenthG).

Your application for Kindergeld must be submitted to:

Familienkasse Bautzen

Neusalzaer Str. 2

02625 Bautzen.

Working parents are also eligible for income tax reductions. In order to receive this benefit, you need to notify our HR and register your child for a Kinderfreibetrag.

Childcare services and education

Germany offers various options for childcare and education.

Children up three years may attend day care facilities (Kindertagesstätte, Krippe) or be taken to a trained and certified childminder (Tagesmutter).

Children aged three to six may attend day care and pre-school. Since space is often limited and waiting lists can be long, we recommend planning ahead. We offer our support to find the childcare that best suits your needs.

Rules and options regarding meals differ widely among child care facilities. You may have to provide your child with breakfast or snacks for the day.

Further information on child care options can be found here.

Children aged six to ten are obliged to attend primary school (grades 1 to 4). Görlitz offers several public (free of charge) and private primary schools. We will help you find an appropriate school for your child. Further information on primary schools can be found here.

Secondary education starts after a total of 4 years of primary education and children attend one of three different kinds of schools. The Hauptschule leads to part-time enrollment in a vocational school combined with apprenticeship training until the age of 18.

The Realschule (grades 5 to 10) leads to part-time vocational schools and higher vocational schools. The Gymnasium (grades 5 to 12) leads to a diploma called Abitur and prepares students for university or for a dual academic and vocational credential.

More information about school offer is available here.

Dual career option

We support CASUS employees’ spouses and life partners in finding suitable job opportunities in the area. We offer training, mentoring programs and internships. The International Office will also help with all required formalities, provide career networking, assist with the application process, and offer counselling.

Görlitz Family Pass

Families registered as residents of Görlitz are eligible for the Görlitz Family Pass which will give discounts on various leisure activities in the city. The pass is free of charge and can be requested at the Görlitz Bürgeramt upon registering your residency.

Maternity and parental leave

CASUS strongly supports its employees in balancing working with parenting.

Employees are eligible for maternity leave six weeks prior and eight weeks after birth. Further protection includes the prohibition of terminating an employee during the pregnancy and for four months afterward. Expecting and nursing employees are not permitted to: work more than 8 1/2 hours daily and to perform heavy, physical labor.

German law allows parents to take a period of parental leave (Elternzeit). This may be taken until the child reaches the age of three. No salary is paid during this period, but the employer is legally obliged to keep the parent’s job open for the period of parental leave. With the agreement of the employer, one year of parental leave may be “saved” and used when the child is between the ages of three and eight. Parental leave can be taken by either parent and may also be shared for the period. A written application for parental leave must be submitted to your employer seven weeks before you plan to begin your leave.

Additionally, working parents can apply for parental benefits (Elterngeld). Elterngeld is a financial aid for parents unable to work or who need to reduce their working hours after their child is born.

You are eligible for Elterngeld if you fulfill the following criteria:

  • You have a residence in Germany;
  • You and your child reside together;
  • You care and rear your child personally;
  • You do not work more than 30 hours per week during the time Elterngeld is issued.

Citizens of EU countries and of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland may receive Elterngeld if they live and work in Germany. You may also be entitled to parental benefit if you are a citizen of a third and hold residence permit that allows you to work in Germany .