
Press releases

New simulation method sharpens our view into the Earth’s interior

Materials science method could advance neuromorphic computing for artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence boosts super-resolution microscopy

New generative model calculates images more efficient than established approaches Generative artificial intelligence (AI) might be⁠…

Structural transition project strives to bring laser fusion closer to application

European Union funds CASUS research project with 700,000 euros A promising option for creating a productive⁠…

A “gold standard” for computational materials science codes

CASUS scientists contribute to an extensive effort to verify existing computer codes intended for materials simulations⁠…

A “gold standard” for computational materials science codes

CASUS scientists contribute to an extensive effort to verify existing computer codes intended for materials simulations⁠…

Ricardo Martínez-García wins international career award in complex systems’ research

Junior physicist from CASUS and SAIFR recognized for his work in statistical physics to better understand⁠…

Machine learning takes materials modeling into new era

Deep learning approach enables accurate electronic structure calculations at large scales The arrangement of electrons in⁠…

Wild mammals moved farther during severe COVID-19 lockdowns

Study published in Science demonstrates that animals respond quickly to human behavioral changes Human behavior...

Research into the spread of invasive animal species

Study enables more accurate predictions around invasive species immigration in freshwater fish communities...

Scientists reveal the behavior of stellar matter under extreme pressure in the laboratory for the first time

A research team, including scientists from the University of Rostock and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf...

Saxon AI network reaches beyond borders

Meeting brings together stakeholders from Saxony, Poland, and the Czech Republic It has come to stay:⁠…

For the next step to the top

Minister-President Michael Kretschmer welcomes future CASUS director In order to get an overview of the...

Precise X-ray thermometer for warm dense matter

New method for temperature determination opens horizon for a multitude of experiments virtually unfeasible up to⁠…

CASUS scientist receives prestigious ERC Starting Grant to shatter a computational bottleneck

Employing modern machine learning methods, Young Investigator Dr. Tobias Dornheim aims to tackle one of the⁠…

Rolling dice to gain insights into planets and stars

Using a simulation method based on random numbers scientists were able to describe the properties of⁠…

Optimized pandemic testing strategies for retirement homes

CASUS releases new Where2Test web application The Where2Test team‘s third web application provides...

Polish-German partnership is filled with life at conference in Wrocław

Following the 2021 memorandum of understanding between the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)...

Advocating a new paradigm for electron simulations

Researchers improve widely used simulation method for high-performance computing clusters Although most...

CASUS in the media

Research will focus on computational predictions of the properties of new two-dimensional materials When designing advanced⁠…