Computational Radiation Physics

Computational Radiation Physics

The group models, simulates and visualizes the dynamics of particles and radiation phenomena that are of interest when investigating the physics of laser particle acceleration. The aim is to create models for innovative and compact sources of radiation that make the best use of the ultra-strong electromagnetic fields being created by the interaction of light and matter at relativistic intensities.

Dr. Michael Bussmann

Dr Michael Bussmann

CASUS Research Team Leader (acting)


+49 3581 375 23 11

Center for Advanced Systems Understanding

Conrad-Schiedt-Straße 20

D-02826 Görlitz

Advanced Radiation Sources

Our main research topic is the theory of laser-driven radiation sources. We study these sources by building analytic models and complex simulations to better understand and control the properties of these sources.

In order to increase our understanding of these sources, we have to be able to gain insight into the dynamical behaviour of large many-particle systems. High-intensity lasers can ionise matter, forming a new state of matter called a plasma. This means that they can rip matter apart, separating the positively charged atomic nuclei, so called ions, from their negatively charged electrons. This charge separation can create strong electric fields which in turn can be used to accelerate charged particles.

Physical Models of such a plasma need to take into account a variety of physical processes that can occur during the evolution of the plasma. Important processes include the ionisation of atoms by the laser pulse or by collisions with other particles but also radiation emitted by charged particles and collisions between particles.

These processes can happen on various time and length scales. This challenges both simulation techniques and theoretical models of these processes. One of our projects is PIConGPU, an implementation of the Particle-in-Cell algorithm for GPU clusters.

Our current research interests are:

– Laser-driven acceleration of ion beams
– Laser-driven acceleration of electron beams
– Laser-driven X-ray sources

Complex, large-scale simulations

Realistic simulations of the interaction of high-power laser pulses with matter require to compute the trajectories of several million to a few billion charged particles in electromagnetic fields that strongly vary in space and time. It is therefore important, to use high performance computers with several hundred to thousands of processors. For this we are developing new parallel computing schemes to reduce the simulation time and thus the time the scientists have to wait for results.

Besides our physics research program we thus deal with information technology topics such as:

– Massively-parallel simulations on new compute hardware such as GPUs
– Advanced data analysis techniques (Big Data, Visual Analytics)

Combining accelerator physics and laser physics

Besides working on new acceleration schemes using lasers, we are interested in making use of standard accelerator techniques in combination with these new sources. For many applications, transport or focusing of laser-driven particle beams is essential.

Our work currently focuses on the following topics in accelerator physics:

– Laser cooling of relativistic ion beams
– Compact beam transport systems (permanent magnet quadrupoles, pulsed magnets)

Greg Eisenhauer, Norbert Podhorszki, Ana Gainaru, Scott Klasky, Philip E Davis, Manish Parashar, Matthew Wolf, Eric Suchtya, Erick Fredj, Vicente Bolea, Franz Pöschel, Klaus Steiniger, Michael Bussmann, Richard Pausch, Sunita Chandrasekaran - arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.00178 (2024)

The “IO Wall” problem, in which the gap between computation rate and data access rate grows continuously, poses significant problems to scientific workflows which have traditionally relied upon using the filesystem for intermediate storage between workflow stages. One way to avoid this problem in scientific workflows is to stream data directly from producers to consumers and avoiding storage entirely. However, the manner in which this is accomplished is key to both performance and usability. This paper presents the Sustainable Staging Transport, an approach which allows direct streaming between traditional file writers and readers with few application changes. SST is an ADIOS “engine”, accessible via standard ADIOS APIs, and because ADIOS allows engines to be chosen at run-time, many existing file-oriented ADIOS workflows can utilize SST for direct application-to-application communication without any source code changes. This paper describes the design of SST and presents performance results from various applications that use SST, for feeding model training with simulation data with substantially higher bandwidth than the theoretical limits of Frontier’s file system, for strong coupling of separately developed applications for multiphysics multiscale simulation, or for in situ analysis and visualization of data to complete all data processing shortly after the simulation finishes.

Jeremy J Williams, Daniel Medeiros, Stefan Costea, David Tskhakaya, Franz Poeschel, René Widera, Axel Huebl, Scott Klasky, Norbert Podhorszki, Leon Kos, Ales Podolnik, Jakub Hromadka, Tapish Narwal, Klaus Steiniger, Michael Bussmann, Erwin Laure, Stefano Markidis - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Workshops (CLUSTER Workshops (2024/9/24)

Large-scale HPC simulations of plasma dynamics in fusion devices require efficient parallel I/O to avoid slowing down the simulation and to enable the post-processing of critical information. Such complex simulations lacking parallel I/O capabilities may encounter performance bottlenecks, hindering their effectiveness in data-intensive computing tasks. In this work, we focus on introducing and enhancing the efficiency of parallel I/O operations in Particle-in-Cell Monte Carlo simu-lations. We first evaluate the scalability of BIT1, a massively-parallel electrostatic PIC MC code, determining its initial write throughput capabilities and performance bottlenecks using an HPC I/O performance monitoring tool, Darshan. We design and develop an adaptor to the openPMD I/O interface that allows us to stream PIC particle and field information to I/O using the BP4 backend, aggressively optimized for I/O efficiency, including the…

Paweł Ordyna, Carsten Bähtz, Erik Brambrink, Michael Bussmann, Alejandro Laso Garcia, Marco Garten, Lennart Gaus, Sebastian Göde, Jörg Grenzer, Christian Gutt, Hauke Höppner, Lingen Huang, Uwe Hübner, Oliver Humphries, Brian Edward Marré, Josefine Metzkes-Ng, Thomas Miethlinger, Motoaki Nakatsutsumi, Özgül Öztürk, Xiayun Pan, Franziska Paschke-Brühl, Alexander Pelka, Irene Prencipe, Thomas R Preston, Lisa Randolph, Hans-Peter Schlenvoigt, Jan-Patrick Schwinkendorf, Michal Šmíd, Sebastian Starke, Radka Štefaníková, Erik Thiessenhusen, Toma Toncian, Karl Zeil, Ulrich Schramm, Thomas E Cowan, Thomas Kluge - Communications Physics (2024/9/3)

Ultra-intense lasers that ionize atoms and accelerate electrons in solids to near the speed of light can lead to kinetic instabilities that alter the laser absorption and subsequent electron transport, isochoric heating, and ion acceleration. These instabilities can be difficult to characterize, but X-ray scattering at keV photon energies allows for their visualization with femtosecond temporal resolution on the few nanometer mesoscale. Here, we perform such experiment on laser-driven flat silicon membranes that shows the development of structure with a dominant scale of 60 nm in the plane of the laser axis and laser polarization, and 95 nm in the vertical direction with a growth rate faster than 0.1 fs−1. Combining the XFEL experiments with simulations provides a complete picture of the structural evolution of ultra-fast laser-induced plasma density development, indicating the excitation of plasmons and a filamentation…

Team members

Dr Masoud Afshari

Postdoctoral Researcher

Ankush Checkervarty

Postdoctoral Researcher

Simeon Ehrig

Professional Supportt

Julian Lenz

Research Software Engineer/Developer

Filip Optołowicz

Student Assistant

Tapish Narwal

Research Software Engineer/Developer

Dr Klaus Steiniger

Professional Support

Mehmet Yusufoglu

Software Scientist